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Home page | TAH partonomy |
Top level | systema skeletale Short Extended |
Level 2 | ossa cranii Short Extended |
Current level | os temporale (par) Short |
Subsidiary language with Latin | |
Non Latin primary language |
Partonomy list |
FMA | TA | UID | ISA |
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
52737 | 544 | tax |
os temporale (par)
temporal bone (pair)
52871 | 545 | tax |
pars petrosa ossis temporalis (par) P4 197 children
petrous part of temporal bone (pair)
55490 | 546 | tax |
margo occipitalis ossis temporalis (par)
occipital margin of temporal bone (pair)
52872 | 547 | tax |
processus mastoideus (par)
mastoid process (pair)
55493 | 548 | tax |
incisura mastoidea (par)
mastoid notch (pair)
55499 | 549 | tax |
sulcus sinus sigmoidei (par)
sulcus of sigmoid sinus (pair)
55496 | 550 | tax |
sulcus arteriae occipitalis (par)
sulcus of occipital artery (pair) ; occipital groove (pair)
53159 | 551 | tax |
foramen mastoideum (par)
mastoid foramen (pair)
54952 | 552↓ | tax |
canalis nervi facialis (par)
facial canal (pair)
75762 | 553↓ | tax |
geniculum canalis nervi facialis (par)
geniculum of facial canal (pair)
17024 |
segmentum labyrinthicum (par)
labyrinthine segment (pair)
17025 |
segmentum tympanicum (par)
tympanic segment (pair)
17026 |
segmentum pyramidale (par)
pyramidal segment (pair)
17027 |
segmentum mastoideum (par)
mastoid segment (pair)
14132↓ | tax |
canaliculus anterior chordae tympani (par)
anterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair)
56435 | 554↓ | tax |
canaliculus posterior chordae tympani (par)
posterior canaliculus of chorda tympani (pair)
55710 | 555 | tax |
apex partis petrosae ossis temporalis (par)
apex of petrous part of temporal bone (pair)
55805 | 556 | tax |
canalis caroticus (par)
carotid canal (pair)
53160 | 557 | tax |
apertura externa canalis carotici (par)
external opening of carotid canal of temporal bone (pair)
53161 | 558 | tax |
apertura interna canalis carotici (par)
internal opening of carotid canal of temporal bone (pair)
56438 | 559 | tax |
canaliculi caroticotympanici (par)
caroticotympanic canaliculi (pair)
55808 | 560 | tax |
canalis musculotubarius (par)
musculotubal canal (pair)
56439 | 561 | tax |
semicanalis musculi tensoris tympani (par)
semicanal of tensor muscle of tympanic membrane (pair)
56442 | 562 | tax |
semicanalis tubae auditivae (par); semicanalis tubae auditoriae (par)
semicanal of auditory tube (pair) ; bony auditory tube (pair)
75763 | 563 | tax |
septum canalis musculotubarii (par)
septum of musculotubal canal (pair)
54950 | 564 | tax |
facies anterior (par)
anterior surface (pair)
55966 | 566 | tax |
eminentia arcuata (par)
arcuate eminence (pair)
56445 | 567 | tax |
hiatus nervi petrosi majoris (par)
hiatus of greater petrous nerve (pair)
55988 | 568 | tax |
sulcus nervi petrosi majoris (par)
groove of greater petrous nerve (pair)
56448 | 569 | tax |
hiatus nervi petrosi minoris (par)
hiatus of lesser petrous nerve (pair)
55977 | 570 | tax |
sulcus nervi petrosi minoris (par)
groove of lesser petrous nerve (pair)
55949 | 571 | tax |
impressio trigeminalis (par)
trigeminal impression (pair)
56002 | 565 | tax |
tegmen tympani (par)
roof of tympanum (pair)
55977 | 12855 |
canalis nervi petrosi minoris (par)
canal for lesser petrosal nerve (pair)
10500 |
canalis nervi petrosi majoris (par)
canal for greater petrosal nerve (pair)
55502 | 572 | tax |
margo superior partis petrosae (par) ; crista petrosa (par)
superior border of petrous part (pair) ; petrous ridge (pair)
75052 | 573 | tax |
sulcus sinus petrosi superioris (par)
groove of superior petrous sinus (pair)
55939 | 574 | tax |
facies posterior partis petrosae (par)
posterior surface of petrous part (pair)
53162 | 575 | tax |
porus acusticus internus (par)
internal acoustic opening (pair); internal auditory pore (pair)
56418 | 577 | tax |
fossa subarcuata (par)
subarcuate fossa (pair)
56451 | 578 | tax |
canaliculus vestibuli (par) ; aqueductus vestibularis (par)
vestibular canaliculus (pair) ; vestibular aqueduct (pair)
56421 | 579 | tax |
apertura externa canaliculi vestibuli (par)
external opening of vestibular canaliculus (pair)
53163 | 576 | tax |
meatus acusticus internus (par)
internal acoustic meatus (pair) ; internal auditory canal (pair)
77753 | 7291 | tax |
fundus meatus acustici interni (par)
fundus of internal acoustic meatus (pair)
77747 | 7292↓ | tax |
crista transversa (par) ; processus inferior tegminis (par)
transverse crest (pair) ; inferior tegmental process (pair); cog (pair)
77749 | 7294↓ | tax |
crista verticalis (par)
vertical crest (pair)
77748 | 7293 | tax |
area facialis (par)
facial area (pair)
77750 | 7295 | tax |
area vestibularis superior (par)
superior vestibular area (pair)
77751 | 7296 | tax |
area vestibularis inferior (par)
inferior vestibular area (pair)
75352 | 7297 | tax |
foramen singulare (par)
singular foramen (pair)
77752 | 7298 | tax |
area cochlearis (par) ; area cochleae (par)
cochlear area (pair)
77746 | 7299 |
tractus spiralis foraminalis (par)
foraminal spiral tract (pair)
55505 | 580 | tax |
margo posterior partis petrosae (par)
posterior border of petrous part (pair)
75339 | 581 | tax |
sulcus sinus petrosi inferioris (par)
groove of inferior petrous sinus (pair)
56458 | 582 | tax |
incisura jugularis ossis temporalis (par)
jugular notch of temporal bone (pair)
55709 | 583 | tax |
facies inferior partis petrosae (par)
inferior surface of petrous part (pair)
56429 | 584 | tax |
fossa jugularis (par)
jugular fossa (pair)
56454 | 585 | tax |
canaliculus cochleae (par)
cochlear canaliculus (pair)
56424 | 586 | tax |
apertura externa canaliculi cochleae (par)
external opening of cochlear canaliculus (pair)
56459 | 587 | tax |
canaliculus mastoideus (par)
mastoid canaliculus (pair)
56458 | 588 | tax |
incisura jugularis partis petrosae (par)
jugular notch of petrous part (pair)
75764 | 593 | tax |
fossula petrosa (par)
petrous fossa (pair)
589 | tax |
processus intrajugularis ossis temporalis (par)
intrajugular process of temporal bone (pair)
52877 | 590 | tax |
processus styloideus (par)
styloid process (pair)
55816 | 591 | tax |
foramen stylomastoideum (par)
stylomastoid foramen (pair)
56460 | 592↓ | tax |
canaliculus tympanicus inferior (par)
inferior tympanic canaliculus (pair) ; tympanic canaliculus (pair)
56461 | 594 | tax |
cavitas tympani (par)
tympanic cavity (pair)
52880 | 595 | tax |
pars tympanica ossis temporalis (par) P4 26 children
tympanic part of temporal bone (pair)
75053 | 596 | tax |
anulus tympanicus (par)
tympanic ring (pair)
61301 | 597 | tax |
porus acusticus externus (par)
external acoustic pore (pair) ; external auditory opening (pair)
598 | tax |
meatus acusticus externus (par)
external acoustic meatus (pair) ; external auditory canal (pair)
75766 | 599 | tax |
spina tympanica major (par)
greater tympanic spine (pair)
75767 | 600 | tax |
spina tympanica minor (par)
lesser tympanic spine (pair)
56466 | 601 | tax |
sulcus tympanicus (par)
tympanic sulcus (pair)
602 |
incisura tympanica (par)
tympanic notch (pair)
75768 | 603 | tax |
vagina processus styloidei (par)
sheath of styloid process of temporal bone (pair)
52883 | 604 | tax |
pars squamosa ossis temporalis (par) P4 29 children
squamous part of temporal bone (pair)
55484 | 605 | tax |
margo parietalis ossis temporalis (par)
parietal border of temporal bone (pair)
75044 | 606 | tax |
incisura parietalis (par)
parietal notch (pair)
55487 | 607 | tax |
margo sphenoidalis ossis temporalis (par)
sphenoidal border of temporal bone (pair)
54943 | 608 | tax |
facies temporalis ossis temporalis (par)
temporal surface of temporal bone (pair)
54953 | 609 | tax |
sulcus arteriae temporalis mediae (par)
sulcus of middle temporal artery (pair)
52886 | 610 | tax |
processus zygomaticus ossis temporalis (par)
zygomatic process of temporal bone (pair)
54956 | 611 | tax |
crista supramastoidea (par)
supramastoid crest (pair)
54960 | 612 | tax |
foveola suprameatalis (par) ; foveola suprameatalis (par)
suprameatal fovea (pair); suprameatal triangle (pair)
54961 | 613 | tax |
spina suprameatalis (par) ; spina suprameatalis (par)
suprameatal spine (pair)
75313 | 614 | tax |
fossa mandibularis (par)
mandibular fossa (pair)
75314 | 615 | tax |
facies articularis (par)
articular surface (pair)
55416 | 616 | tax |
tuberculum articulare (par) P4 17 children
articular tubercle (pair)
13849↓ |
eminentia articularis (par)
articular eminence (pair)
55463 | 617 | tax |
fissura petrotympanica (par)
petrotympanic fissure (pair)
55466 | 618 | tax |
fissura petrosquamosa (par)
petrosquamous fissure (pair)
55460 | 619 | tax |
fissura tympanosquamosa (par)
tympanosquamous fissure (pair)
55469 | 620 | tax |
fissura tympanomastoidea (par)
tympanomastoid fissure (pair)
75324 | 621 | tax |
facies cerebralis partis squamosae (par)
cerebral face of squamous part (pair)
95 lines
94.7 %
87.4 %
Scientific notes |
Libelle of note
552 |
The canalis facialis has four segments or parts (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Vienna, New York), labyrinthine, tympanic, pyramidal and mastoid.
553 |
The space for the geniculum is also known as Fossa geniculata (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Vienna, New York).
554 |
The chorda tympani passes from the facial canal through the posterior tympanic canaliculus to enter the tympanic cavity, then leaves through the anterior tympanic canaliculus to reach the petrotympanic fissure.
592 |
The inferior tympanic canaliculus transmits the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve, whereas the posterior and anterior tympanic canaliculi transmit the chorda tympani.
7292 |
The clinical term cog refers to a coronally oriented osseous ridge protruding in the middle ear cavity, for which the term processus inferior tegminis was introduced (Lang J 1992 Klinische Anatomie des Ohres. Springer, Wien – New York).
7294 |
In ENT Surgery, the Crista verticalis is known as 'Bill's bar' (after William House). It separates the Superior portion of the meatus into an anterior channel for the Facial nerve and a posterior channel for the Superior vestibular nerve.
13849 |
For a description of the Eminentia articularis, see Alt KW, Rösing LW, Teschler-Nicola M, eds, (1995) Dental Anthropology. Fundamentals, Limits and Prospects. Springer, Wien, New York, p 151.
14132 |
See note # 554
Signature |
Type of list | P3F |
List Unit Identifier | 544 |
Sublist 1 | 545 pars petrosa ossis temporalis 197/66 on 2.7.2024 |
Sublist 2 | 595 pars tympanica ossis temporalis 26/9 on 2.7.2024 |
Sublist 3 | 604 pars squamosa ossis temporalis 29/10 on 2.7.2024 |
Sublist 4 | 616 tuberculum articulare 17/6 on 2.7.2024 |
Subtotals | subchildren 269 subunits 91 |
Proper children | 15 |
Number of children | 284 (validated) |
Proper units | 4 |
Number of units | 95 (validated) |
Signature | 2083 (validated since 2.7.2024) |
Date: 13.10.2024 |